• In Saudi Equity Holdings we do not set boundaries to creativity
    we do not stop learning, we benefit from our experiences
  • Saudi Equity Holdings Services
    Saudi Equity Holdings works in specific areas,
    which we believe will provide a reliable basis for building
  • Saudi Equity Holdings Values
    We work under a set of values, principles and professional best practices
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Who we are ?

Who we are ?

Saudi Equity Holdings is a company established to invest money, relationships, and talents in non-traditional entrepreneurial projects in various sectors that are compatible with the characteristics of the economic environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in harmony with the renewable opportunities that have been generated and are still being generated

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Values & Business Pillars

Idea & Value Proposition

Saudi Equity Holdings established to support its founders and business partners from major investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders of investment firms in bridging the gap between ideas and advisory outputs and between the actual and reliable execution of the investment process. In addition to playing a pivotal role in enabling optimal utilization of business relationships and financial capabilities between business partners and investors.

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The optimal use of our technical expertise and our commercial relations to invest in the medium and long term through creating and generating investment ideas and opportunities, studying and planning them, and concluding business alliances with investors to establish and manage projects in their early stages

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We Are SEH

A company established to invest money, relationships, and talents in non-traditional entrepreneurial projects in various sectors that are compatible with the characteristics of the economic environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in harmony with the renewable opportunities that have been generated and are still being generated from the transformation project that we are experiencing as a tangible reality with the programs and initiatives of Saudi Vision 2030.

Our Scope

SEH works in specific areas, which we believe will provide a reliable basis for building a distinguished business portfolio that achieves added value for the company's shareholders and for our partners from major investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders of investment companies

Investment Business Sector

At SEH we are working continuously on developing a portfolio of innovative investment ideas that fits the economic, demographic and organizational structure of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with Saudi vision 2030 and its initiatives and programs with its different objectives. We are working on adopting the best ideas and moving them from the study and analysis area to actual implementation on the ground. One of the most important characteristics of SEH services in this field are the following:

  • Generate, study, and analyze investment ideas.
  • Coordinating investors alliances.
  • Coordinate with financial companies and investment banks to establish mutual funds and managed investments portfolios.
  • Establishment of legal entities and development of commercial brand and registrations.
  • Development of strategic and operational action plans.
  • Management and representation.
  • Managing and executing Investment exit strategy.

Support Business Sector

An important and vital sector supported by qualified human resources with expertise and experience that enables SEH to provide the highest standards of technical, advisory and executive support, both for our portfolio of projects, as well as for business partners and investors

Why SEH ?